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  • Writer's pictureMahir Islam

West Side Update - March 4, 2024

City Council Update 3/4

Hi neighbors! After each meeting, you can find need-to-knows, news updates, and upcoming events on this blog! Take a look below and stay informed on what’s happening in our city!

Community Survey

Before we dive into updates, I want to encourage all of you to fill out our Community Survey for 2024. This anonymous survey powers our planning for the future and allows us to see where our help is most needed. Share your thoughts today and make your voice heard.


It was a privilege to speak at a Women's History Month event that was held at the Carmel Public Library hosted by the Carmel Symphony Orchestra along with panelists Dr Jamie Jacobsen, Wendy Horn, Manami White and Sandra Hurt. We discussed the importance of women in leadership and balancing mental health in the arts and the corporate world.

I look forward to attending the next event at the library The 3D printing Expo on Saturday March 9th from 10-3pm. Free and open to the public!

Friday Evening March 8th is also the Taste of Carmel which benefits the Carmel Education Foundation. Tickets are still available

Ordinances and Resolutions

The Council amended and passed Ordinance D-2707-24, which regulates parking and eliminates certain traffic turns in the city. The council expressed concerns about parking on Veterans Way, North of Elm Street, and sent this particular issue to the Finance, Utilities, and Rules Committee for further discussion. I am confident that this ordinance will improve safety for both vehicles and pedestrians in these areas.

The Council abolished the Carmel Public Art Advisory Committee by passing Ordinances D-2704-23 and D-2706-24. The Mayor's Advisory Commission on Arts will now provide the Mayor and Council with public art advisory and updates.

Committee Updates

The Carmel Redevelopment Commission presented its financial report along with a map of value per acre throughout Carmel. The information that was shared is available to the public as part of the packet provided at city council. Development projects continue in the central core and we look forward to more public involvement and feedback on these projects.

The Climate Advisory Committee presented its recommendations to the council. The Committee expressed the importance of having a full-time city Sustainability Coordinator to help pursue the city's climate goals. The Committee also stressed the need to evaluate the city's energy and water usage to protect our environment and future. The Committee will hold its next meeting on March 26th at 6 p.m. in City Hall. I encourage those of you who are interested in this issue to attend.

Council Appointments

The Council made the following appointments to the Mayor's Advisory Commission on Arts: Dr. Chandrika Patel & Beth Glynn will serve one year term and Tina Mangos will serve for two years.

The Council approved the following Mayoral nominations to the Carmel Historic Preservation Commission: Rosemary Dunkle and Barry Simich

I am grateful for their service to the city of Carmel and look forward to working with them!

Community Involvement Opportunities

  1. Please take a moment to fill out the Community Survey!  Its easy to do and we want your voice to be heard!

  1. Carmel Mayors Youth Council – This is an opportunity for high school students to get engaged in local government. The Mayors office is accepting applications from now until March 21 This is a great opportunity to develop valuable leadership skills. Visit the  CMYC webpage for the meeting link.

  1. Attend Committee Meetings- 

  2. Climate Action Committee - March 26th at 6 pm, City Hall

  3. City Council Meeting - March 18th at 6pm, City Hall

  4. Housing Task Force- March 21 st at 7:30 am, City Hall -- Population and workforce trends will be discussed.

That’s all from me on this fine Thursday! Remember, if you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please reach out to me. I’m always here to listen and advocate for you. If you’d like to attend a city council meeting, committee hearing, or other council events, please visit our website and view the calendar.

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